Semaine du lundi 28 juillet 2014

Lundi 28 juillet
19h  OE1 Dalbavie
20h30 BBC3 Jonathan Dove
23h OE1 Hossam Mahmoud
mardi 29 juillet
0h DLK Thomas Meadowcroft
19h30 BBC3 Balakirev, Holst, Gabriel Prokofiev
22h30 SRF2 L. v. Beethoven, Z. Gedizlioglu
mercredi 30 juillet
20h30 BBC3 Sir Harrison Birtwistle
jeudi 31 juillet
22h A2 Debussy, M.A. Dalbavie
vendredi 1er aout
12h Vivaldi, Marsalis, Ravel, Elena Kats-Chernin
20h30 BBC3 Gurney, Sally Beamish

1 commentaire:

  1. Chère Marie, my best wishes for summer from Barcelona, and thank you once again for your amazing job.
    A friend of mine has sent me this link: because that Austrian station sometimes includes live recordings not on Cd, so you could include it in the Grille of programmes (Micotonal nacht) if you want.
    Best regards,
